loggerheaded rump-fed minnow

Well everyone, I am a ghost now. I'm happy about that because it is pretty fun, but I am not impressed with Macbeth. You are a traitor and a loggerheaded rump-fed minnow. You will be a terrible king. I hope everyone finds out the truth and you get what you deserve. I will do my best to haunt you now. Donalbain and Malcolm, you guys need to come back because you look suspicious. I will haunt you too so that you have to come back home. I better get going on my haunting.


Ross said…
Macbeth is no traitor! He killed the servants who were paid by your OWN SONS to murder you! RIP Duncan
Second Witch said…
King Duncan, I wish I could say I didn't see this coming, but in fact I did. LOL. RIP to you.
Hecate said…
At least now you are a ghost which is loads of fun because you can see everything and you know all things!
Mac to the Duff said…
I knew something was a little suspicious with these events happening all at random. Who is telling the truth. I wish people would stop lying.
First Witch said…
RIP to the legend. You were the GOAT man. This one hurts. Gone but never forgotten. Can't believe this is really happening, you were too young. We'll miss you here on Earth. You didn't deserve this. Praying for justice for you, the other witches and I won't stop until we find your killer.
-First Witch
Macbeth said…
I apologize Duncan, it was only business. I respected you as a king, but I would respect myself more. I did what needed to be done to advance myself, no more, no less. It was nothing personal, and if I did not have to, I would not have murdered you.
Duncan said…
Macbeth, your apology is not accepted and everyone else, I am not lying.
Banquo said…
I thought you were a good king... but now you are speaking lies from beyond the grave. RIP
Lennox said…
Duncan was the greatest King we were going to get! Macbeth is just a filthy murderer who thinks he must get his way.. but we must rise against him, otherwise our fate is in his hands. Which only can mean bad and evil things.
Duncan said…
Thank you Lennox and the First Witch. You better get busy telling people the truth, Lennox.
Ms. May said…
I'm terribly sorry about the tragedy, Duncan. May you rest in peace.
Donalbain said…
I will miss you father. May you rest in piece❤️
Duncan said…
Thanks Donalbain, Witch number 3, and Ms. May.

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