reeky elf-skinned haggard

The events that have happened are that the three witches told Macbeth and Banquo that Macbeth will become the Thane of Cawdor and the king someday. The king then does make Macbeth the thane, which makes him realize the witches weren't lying. He writes a letter to his wife telling her about everything. She then prepares herself to do violent things to make sure her husband becomes king. Macbeth and his wife invite the king to their castle and plan to kill him. Macbeth is unsure if he wants to kill the king, but then makes up is mind and is going to do it.
Today Macbeth and his wife invited us to come to their Castle. They are such wonderful people. Macbeth will be the best thane I know, and I know many. I feel very grateful to have great men, like Macbeth, as my people. Right now I am in bed about to get a great night of sleep. The best guards I have are at my door to keep me safe. This was a good day and so will this night.

Image result for King duncan meme


Macbeth said…
Hopefully you will sleep well dear king. I am your most loyal thane and I take great pride in your praise of my actions. I have made sure your guards are the most honorable of men by having a drink with them to find out their true intentions, and they seem like true warriors. I will see you in the morning, the early morning.
Second Witch said…
HAHAHA little do you know King Duncan, Macbeth may be a real back stabber. Talk to you in the morning, or, maybe not...
Duncan said…
Oh thank you very much Macbeth. Goodnight to you too.

What do you even know you spongy onion-eyed harpy? Witch, Macbeth is the best man I know. You know nothing.
First Witch said…
Make sure to inform your next of kin what you'd like to be buried in. I recommend doing this within the next few days! Hope you enjoyed the weather today!
Ms. May said…
Sleep well, Duncan!
Mac to the Duff said…
The King going to Macbeth's castle #weird. I hope you have a good time

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