villainous dismal-dreaming measle

I can't believe you Malcolm. How could you become such a terrible person? Your mom and I raised you the right way and you turn out to be a villainous dismal-dreaming measle just like Macbeth. You two would be the worst kings Scotland has ever had. I am very disappointed in you Malcolm. Macbeth has caused the death of even more people. How could one person be so evil? I am very sorry Macduff. You better return home for your wife's sake. I believe Macduff will return home and his wife will be killed too. Macbeth doesn't stop killing, so this is what I think will happen. I hope Macduff will return home and take the crown from Macbeth. No one deserves it more than him. I guess last time I picked someone for a job, it didn't turn out too great.
Image result for scotland castle


Ms. May said…
Don't be too quick to judge, Duncan! Let's listen to Malcolm a little more and see what he has to say next. You never know: he may have some explanations for his behavior.

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