infectious fen-sucked fustilarian

Good joke Malcolm. You had me. I really thought my son turned out to be an infectious fen-sucked fustilarian, but I was wrong. Great job Macduff! You are doing some amazing things and keep up the good work. Go take Macbeth out. Give him what he deserves. Lady Macbeth is starting to lose it and Macbeth has no clue that everything around him is starting to fall apart. Sorry Macbeth, the end for you may be nearer than you think.
I really hope that Macbeth has the crown taken from him and Malcolm becomes the new king. He would be a great one. I really believe this will happen too. It looks like the odds are in favor of my son and Macduff. Good luck to you too.


Banquo said…
I think we can both agree that he deserves a painful death, like ours. I wonder how he can die though since the witches last prophecy was given...
Lennox said…
I agree with you. If only you could be here to help kill him. Luckily, Malcolm is here to save us all!
Ms. May said…
I really hope your sons can help come to the rescue. It would make life so much better! Now if only they can figure out how to make the forest walk to Dunsinane...
Second Witch said…
Hey Duncan, haven't seen you in hell for awhile. It'd be nice of you to come visit us sisters, we get lonely too you know
Malcolm said…
Father! I know we can do this! Victory is near, I can sense it!!

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